Psalm 24 reminds me that seeking God is the beginning of the perfection
that God wants.
Overview: Ps 24 consists of three movements: 1) An opening reflection on the
sovereignty of God (1-2), 2) A “catechism” about who is qualified to draw near
to such a God (3-6), and 3) a processional litany, probably of the Ark of the
Covenant being brought into Jerusalem (7-10).
(See my devotional, Psalm 24, Pt 1, 8/19/23, for some background. Translation below.)
The second section, the heart of the psalm, has a clear
thought structure:
Vs 3) Question: Who is worthy to draw near to the sovereign God, to enter such
sacred space?”
Vs. 4) Answer: The one who is completely perfect.
Vs. 5) The benefit: such one receives blessing
and vindication.
Vs. 6) The identity: The seeker is (the true) Jacob/Israel.
The answer, vs. 4, is the focal point of this section,
and the whole psalm, because it has the most complex thought structure, using parallelism,
opposites, merisms (a merism uses opposites to express a whole, such as “he cried
day and night” or “praise God from now until the end of the age”) and chiasm
(inverted repetition, such as A B C C B A).
This beautiful and meaningful poetic structure is represented below:
Notes on the brackets:
#1) The psalmists list the positive qualities one must have and the negative qualities one must not have, creating
a portrait of perfection.
#2) Merism: One “clean” of hands is pure in one’s
outward actions, and one pure in heart is righteous in one’s inward disposition
= completely pure.
#3) Merism: One whose inner being is not set upon something
false and ephemeral (an image used of false gods), and one whose transactions
with others (oaths, bond) is without deceit = completely pure.
#4) Chiasm (inverted repetition): the outer actions
enclose the inner dispositions, again give the sense of completeness = completely
Reflection: Verse 4 sets up an impossible qualification
for drawing near to God, absolute perfection!
No one qualifies! Verse 6 is the
key. It is not simplistically identifying
Israelites (Jacob = Israel) as meeting such perfection. Rabbis understood that “Jacob” here stands
for the “true Israel.” The true Israel
are the ones who seek God. “Seeking God”
is a key expression throughout the OT literature. Seekers are people who have learned that they
cannot depend on themselves. They are
humbled people who turn to their Creator for help, the Creator who is there to
be “found.” Like Abraham (Gen 15:6), seekers
are people who entrust themselves to God.
These are the people of faith.
For them, the impossible (approaching a holy God) become possible by the
grace of God.
Jesus, too, teaches the need to seek: ask, seek, knock (Matt 7:7-8); seek first
the kingdom of God (Matt 6:33). Paul presents
seeking as God’s design for people of all nations (Acts 17:26-28).
Main point: Spiritual “perfection” in God’s eyes is the disposition of the
heart: turning to, seeking, depending on, entrusting oneself to God. Those are the ones graciously received into
God’s presence. They will also continue to grow in the holiness that God desires.
Lord, thank you for your unfathomable grace that allows even me to draw near. May I always seek you and invite others to join with me. Amen.
Side notes:
1) The evangelistic call of the Church is to present an invitation for
those outside the community of faith to join with us as seekers, with we
who have found God him in the person of Jesus and who continue to live as seekers. “Evangelistic” crusades often miss this
opportunity by presenting two alternatives: either “accept everything about Jesus
that we just told you” or “continue your path to hell.”
2) A good friend of mine has written a sweeping scholarly but
understandable study of perfection in the Bible and how it often has been
misunderstood: Kent L. Yinger, God and Human Wholeness: Perfection in
Biblical and Theological Tradition.
3) Part of my work with psalms has been to point out that the
sections/verses that have the greatest poetic complexity should be considered
the focal points of a psalm.
Psalm 24 Of David, A psalm.
Proclamation of Yahweh’s Ownership
of the World (Sovereignty)
1) To
Yahweh belongs the earth and its fullness,
the world and all who dwell in it;
2) for He founded it upon the seas
and established it upon the rivers.
“Catechism” for Approaching Yahweh
3) Who
may ascend the mountain of Yahweh
and who may stand in His holy place?
4) One innocent of hands
and one pure of heart;
one who does not lift up his soul to falseness
and one who does not swear deceitfully.
5) He receives blessing from Yahweh
and vindication from the God of his salvation.
6) Such is the generation of those seeking Him;
those seeking Your face are Jacob.
Entrance Liturgy
7) Lift
up your heads, O gates,
and lift yourselves up, O ancient doors,
so that the glorious King may enter!
8) Who is the glorious King?
Yahweh, powerful and mighty;
Yahweh, mighty in battle!
9) Lift up your heads, O gates,
and lift up, O ancient doors,
so that the glorious King may enter!
10) Who is this glorious King?
Yahweh of hosts;
He is the glorious King!