Thursday, December 5, 2024


 What does it mean that humans are created in the image of God (Gen 1:26)?  How should we respond?

I have posted before on misunderstandings regarding the significance of people being created in the image of God.2  Basically, in the ancient Near East, images represented one’s presence.  Kings claimed to be regents of their patron god and placed images of their gods and themselves around their holdings.  It was a power move.  However, the biblical writers adopted and transformed that practice when they proclaimed that God created all humans, male and female, in God’s image.  They obliterated all hierarchical social structures by which we find ways to view others as beneath us.  Rather, all of humanity, each one of us, is created to represent God’s Presence.

How, though, do we represent God?  Although one can reflect on various important aspects of being created in God’s image, I want to pick up on the main one implied by the immediate context of Genesis.  The narrative about God’s creative activity in Genesis 1:1-2:3 starts with unexplained chaos, elements that are contra life.  God breathes and initiates order in the midst of that chaos.  The result is that life is produced and sustained.3  Therefore, to be created in the image of God and to be given sovereignty over the realms of the earth (1:26-28) implies that we, too, are to bring order into the chaos and light into the darkness of our domain.  This is our calling.  Each day we face is about how we somewhere, somehow can represent God’s Presence and bring some order into our world’s manifold expressions of chaos.  (The book of Isaiah is replete with calls to walk in God’s light.)

Last Sunday was the beginning of Advent.  So, too, order coming into chaos is the message of Advent.  Once again, Light comes into the world.  Once again, the coming of that Light did not result in a perfect world for God’s people.  Rather, God entered into our suffering and darkness so that God might bring that Light to everyone (John 1:9).  And, so, too, Jesus calls us to manifest light in the midst of darkness, “Thus let your (plural) light (singular) shine in front of people so that they might see of you good deeds and they might honor your Father who is in heaven” (Matt 5:16).

Lord, there is chaos and darkness all around me, but I know you are there.  I know your Light.  Equip and enable me this day to represent you, to be your image, and to bring your Light and Order into someone’s chaos and darkness that they might honor you.  Amen.
1. See the previous post, Nov. 22, 2024, “Misreadings in Genesis 1-3: Background.”
2. See Feb. 1, 2024, “Created in the Image of God: Forgotten Aspects.”
3. See Nov. 22, 2024, “Misreadings in Genesis 1-3: Order in the Midst of Chaos.”

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