Thursday, March 14, 2024


Sometimes the wondrous mysteries of life move me to worship.

We tend to think of our lives in terms of existence.  Existence means “out-stand.”  That is, the focus is on separation.  To coin a term, I have been thinking about my “ensistence” (in-stand).  The focus is on inclusion.  My life, all life, exists only because it “ensists.”

Big Bang: a quantum flux within a quantum vacuum led to the structure/information of waves that have different “particle” properties (concepts beyond me).  Point: they exist because they ensist in a quantum field of differentiations.

Jump to the level of life:  Once the process of enzymes forms peptides etc. (again beyond me) that leads to ability to draw on an energy source that leads to self-replicating informed structures.  Point: life exists, because it ensisted within that primitive biosphere (e.g. solar energy, solvent, chemical “soup”).

Jump to humans:  Humans have multiple layers of relationships of ensistence that allow them to exist (please forgive the coined words): en-quantum-fielded, en-mattered, en-bodied, en-natured (whole world of “nature”), en-social-relationshiped, en-cosmic-ordered, and theologically, I would add en-God (panentheism).  Moreover, it is the unique combination of each of those layers of ensistence that leads to each uniquely marvelous outcome of our existences.

Cognition: The nature of cognition is so incredible.  Cognition is not just a function of my brain.  It is embodied in my total neural system through which I experience the world.  It becomes extended as my body interfaces with external objects (e.g. use a tennis racket or hammer long enough and the neural system treats it like a member of the body).  It dwells embedded in my physical, cultural, and linguistic systems (e.g. I “think” in English).  More significantly, I believe my cognition ensists within the “mind” of God such that a “seeking” person can be informed by and moved by God -- can know God.

Wow.  I’m at a loss for words.  My eyes are starting to tear.

Thank you, Lord, that I am a part of all this, that I “ensist.”  Help me to care responsibly for all the spheres of my ensistence without which I would not exist.  Amen.

P.S.  Kant, thinking he is addressing a human limitation when he states, "It is quite impossible for a human being to apprehend the infinite by his senses,"* is actually foisting a human limitation upon God in whom we "have our being" (Acts 17:28).  *The Conflict of the Faculties, 7:63.


  1. A powerful and inspiring concept!

  2. Thank you for your encouraging words, Sharyn. I had second thoughts about posting this reflection.



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